The Hall is a Registered Charity and is owned by the community, is run by a committee of trustees and elected members, representative members and volunteers and any profits are for the benefit of the Hall.
The Hall supplements lfe in the community and offers social, cultural and recreational opportunities. It maintains contact with the community and supports societies to work in partnership.
The hall is located in the centre of Llanddarog village for activities in the community, is available for hire at competitive rates for societies, groups and parties. The main hall measures 18m x 7m with seating for 100 people. In addition there is a committee room and kitchen. The hall is convenient to the A48 dual carriageway from Carmarthen to Cross Hands and has ample car parking spaces.
Llanddarog is famous for its historical buildings like St Twrog Church, the thached roof of the White Hart Inn and also the Butchers Arms situated within the conservation area. Llanddarog won the Best Kept Village Award in 1961, 1971 – 73, 1986 and 1987 and also the Welsh Calor Village of the year in 2002 for culture with the Prince of Wales visiting the village in 2003.
Among the regular users of the Hall are:-
Llanddarog Young Farmers Club
Llanddarog Short Mat Bowls Club
Llanddarog and District Agriucultural Show
Llanddarog Merched y Wawr
Llanddarog Womens Institute
St Twrog Church
Presbyterian Chapel
Llanddarog Choir
Amongst other users are the Community Council, Carmarthenshire Branch of Merched y Wawr, Alun Griffiths Contractors as well as a number of children’s parties.
It is hoped, that with additional grant, aid to construct a new hall in the near future with modern facilities and we can attract more users offering different and additional activities for the community.